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作者:上海大器租车公司   时间:2019-09-29 12:01

   上海租车位对于美国“特斯拉公司”(TESLA)“马斯克”(M***)的“纯电动汽车”(Electric Car)

















由于不会在路面排放废气,由外部电源补充,而电池的电量,由电动机推动的车辆,是指以事前已充满电的蓄电池(大容量电瓶)供电给电动机,缩写:BEV),又称“电瓶车”、“电池电动车”(英语:BatteryElectric Vehicle,****:





BEVs use electric motors and motor controllers instead of internalcombustion engines (ICEs) for propulsion.


A battery electric vehicle (BEV), battery-only electric vehicle(BOEV) or all-electric vehicle is a type of electric vehicle (EV)that uses chemical energy stored in rechargeable batterypacks.

Battery electric vehicle(电池电动车)


风力发电厂,看着汽车多少公里换机油。但ABOWind也在考虑通过管道运行,来研究该计划的可能性,我们将通过小型测试设施的运行,并从水中产生氢气。与此同时,但我们计划向水电解槽供应一些电力,供应给一般家庭等,应该通过输电网络,9.9MW(9900kW)的总最大输出。看着汽车之家二手车网。预计每年将产生30GWh(3000万千瓦时)。设施利用率约为34.6%。这里产生的电力,取得3.3MW输出(3300kW),已成立了3组德国恩德公司的电厂,按计划将很快完成,戴姆勒公司发布的“梅赛德斯-奔驰GLC F-CELL”燃料电池汽车





德国风力发电厂ABO Wind宣布,2018年,测试设施,用于燃料电池的车辆,制造氢气,丰田为大约5680个“燃料电池”相关专利提供免费许可(截至2015年1月6日)。丰田想为实现氢社会做出积极贡献。




车重:1850kg,而且,便可取代汽油车,the。Mirai现行的性能,也就是说只要“加氢站”普及到一定的程度,可让Mirai跑出502km的续航力成绩,加满“氢气”后,总重可达87.5 kg,桶内可储存70 MPa(10,000psi)的氢气,后边是“镍氢蓄电池”。

Toyota Mirai的车身尺寸:长4890mm、宽1815mm、高1535mm,是Toyota Mirai的“氢气存放桶”/“氢气箱”,也在打造“氢燃料电池汽车”。




日本东京Toyota Mega Web展览,很明显氢作为一种汽车能源的储存方式,得出结论:were。“到2008年左右,列举了氢燃料电池汽车的持续缺点,迈克尔·巴纳德在《福布斯》**上撰文,最好的氢燃料电池汽车“每英里耗电量是电动汽车的三倍多”。......比其他动力系统技术产生更多的温室气体排放......[并且有]非常高的燃料成本......考虑到新基础设施的所有障碍和要求 (估计成本高达 4, 000亿美元),燃料电池汽车最多只能说是一种特殊的技术, 对美国的石油消费影响不大。)


Fuel Cells的动力组件——电动牵引电机(马达)和电力控制单元


Toyota Mirai(丰田Mirai燃料电池汽车——ToyotaMirai Fuel Cell Vehicle)




By 2025 the last holdouts should likely be retiring theirfuel cell dre**s.

(2017年,最好的氢燃料电池汽车“每英里耗电量是电动汽车的三倍多”。......比其他动力系统技术产生更多的温室气体排放......[并且有]非常高的燃料成本......考虑到新基础设施的所有障碍和要求 (估计成本高达 4, 000亿美元),燃料电池汽车最多只能说是一种特殊的技术, 对美国的石油消费影响不大。)

In 2017, Michael Barnard, writing in Forbes, listed thecontinuing disadvantages of hydrogen fuel cell cars and concludedthat "by about 2008, it was very clear that hydrogen was and wouldbe inferior to battery technology as a storage of energy forvehicles.


A 2017 ****ysis published in Green Car Reports found thatthe best hydrogen fuel cell vehicles consume "more than three timesmore electricity per mile than an electric vehicle ... generatemore greenhouse-gas emissions than other powertrain technologies... [and have] very high fuel costs. ... Considering all theobstacles and requirements for new infrastructure (esti**ted tocost as much as $400 billion), fuel-cell vehicles seem likely to bea niche technology at best, with little impact on U.S. oilconsumption.


Another Clean Technica writer concluded, "while hydrogen**y have a part to play in the world of energy storage (especiallyseasonal storage), it looks like a dead end when it comes to**instre** vehicles."

(2015年, 清洁技术列出了氢燃料电池汽车的一些缺点,汽车节气门也是如此。)

In 2015, Clean Technica listed some of the disadvantagesof hydrogen fuel cell vehicles as did Car Throttle.


GreenTech Media's ****yst reached similar conclusions in2014.


Moreover, he said, "FCVs aren't green" because of escapingmethane during natural gas extraction and when hydrogen isproduced, as 95% of it is, using the ste** reforming process. Heconcluded that renewable energy cannot economically be used to **kehydrogen for an FCV fleet "either *** or in the future."


"It would take several miracles to overcome all of thoseproblems simultaneously in the coming decades."


He stated that FCVs still have not overcome the followingissues: high cost of the vehicles, high fueling cost, and a lack offuel-delivery infrastructure.

(2014年, 气候博主、前能源部官员约瑟夫·罗姆 (josephromm) 专门撰写了三篇文章, 对氢汽车进行批评。)

In 2014, cli**te blogger and former Dept. of Energyofficial Joseph Romm devoted three articles to critiques ofhydrogen vehicles.

Fuel cells are "still very, verye**ensive".(燃料电池“仍然非常非常昂贵”。)


Gas stations need to invest in the ability to refuelhydrogen tanks before FCEVs become practical, and it's unlikely**ny will do that while there are so few cus***ers on the roadtoday. ... Compounding the lack of infrastructure is the high costof the technology.


If that energy does not come from renewable sources, thenfuel-cell cars are not as clean as they seem. ... Another challengeis the lack of infrastructure.

Pure hydrogen can be industrially derived, but it takesenergy.(纯氢可以在工业上得到,2013年,从甲烷中生产氢气“每单位能源的碳密度明显高于煤炭。)

The Business Insider commented in 2013:(商业**,从甲烷中生产氢气“每单位能源的碳密度明显高于煤炭。)


Mistaking fossil hydrogen from the hydraulic fracturing ofshales for an environmentally sustainable energy pathway threatensto encourage energy policies that will dilute and potentiallyderail global efforts to head-off cli**te change due to the risk ofdiverting investment and focus from vehicle technologies that areeconomically compatible with renewable energy.


Cox wrote in 2014 that producing hydrogen from methane "issignificantly more carbon intensive per unit of energy thancoal.


Instead the **rketing and consequently public policyclaims for hydrogen can be proven by the official US DOE figures tobe highly misleading.


The ****ysis proved that public policy in relation tohydrogen fuel cells has been misled by false equivalences to verylarge, very old or very high powered gasoline vehicles that do notaccurately reflect the choices of emissions reduction technologiesreadily available **ongst lower cost and pre-existing new vehicleschoices available to consumers, and also to the ta**ayer thatfunded superfluous hydrogen Infrastructure on a premise that onscientific grounds is factually false.


The ****ysis contradicts the **rketing claims of vehicle**nufacturers involved in promoting hydrogen fuel cells and whoseclaims are frequently reflected in public policystatements.

(报告继续论证了继续使用甲烷在制氢中的经济必然性,电动汽车和能源未来主义者朱利安·考克斯 (juliancox) 发表了一份分析报告, 使用了美国**NREL和EPA的数据,你会得到30%到40%。”)

The report went on to demonstrate the economicinevitability of continued methane use in hydrogen production dueto the cost tripping effect of hydrogen fuel cells on renewablemileage due to conversion losses of electricity to and fromhydrogen when compared to the direct use of electricity in anordinary electric vehicle.


The report presented official data that firmly refutes**rketer's claims of any inherent benefits of hydrogen fuel cellsover the drive trains of equivalent conventional gasoline hybridsand even ordinary s**ll-engined cars of equivalent drive trainperfor**nce due to the emissions intensity of hydrogen productionfrom Natural Gas.


Cox calculated the emissions produced per EPA combinedcycle driven mile, well to wheel, by real-word hydrogen fuel cellvehicles and figures aggregated from the test subjects enrolled inthe US DOE's long term NREL FCV study.


In 2014, electric au***otive and energy futurist JulianCox published an ****ysis that used US government NREL and EPA datathat disproves widely held policy assumptions concerning claimedemissions benefits from the use of Hydrogen intransportation.


Krebs continued: "in the end, from your original 100percent of electric energy, you end up with 30 to 40percent."


"And then you have to convert the hydrogen back toelectricity in a fuel cell with another efficiencyloss".


You then must compress the hydrogen and store it underhigh pressure in tanks, which uses more energy.


" He elaborated: "Hydrogen mobility only **kes sense ifyou use green energy", but ... you need to convert it first intohydrogen "with low efficiencies" where "you lose about 40 percentof the initial energy".


The most efficient way to convert energy to mobility iselectricity.


Volkswagen's Rudolf Krebs said in 2013 that "no **tter howexcellent you **ke the cars themselves, the laws of physics hindertheir overall efficiency.

(Motley Fool在2013年表示,你会想把能量以氢气的形式储存起来,氢是一种糟糕的汽车移动方式。”)

The Motley Fool stated in 2013 that "there are stillcost-prohibitive obstacles [for hydrogen cars] relating totransportation, storage, and, most importantly,production."


The Washington Post asked in November 2009, "[W]hy wouldyou want to store energy in the form of hydrogen and then use thathydrogen to produce electricity for a motor, when electrical energyis already waiting to be ****ed out of sockets all over America andstored in auto batteries...?"


The Los Angeles Times wrote in 2009, "Any way you look atit, hydrogen is a lousy way to move cars."


On the other hand, if the hydrogen could be produced usingrenewable energy, "it would surely be easier simply to use thisenergy to charge the batteries of all-electric or plug-in hybridvehicles."

(该**指出, 大多数氢都是通过蒸汽改造产生的,蒸汽改造每英里产生的碳排放至少与今天的一些汽油车一样多。)

The **gazine noted that most hydrogen is produced throughste** refor**tion, which creates at least as much emission ofcarbon per mile as some of today's gasoline cars.


The Economist **gazine, in 2008, quoted Robert Zubrin, theauthor of Energy Victory, as saying: "Hydrogen is 'just about theworst possible vehicle fuel'".


In the meantime, fuel cells are diverting resources frommore immediate solutions.

(同样在 2008年, 《连线新闻》报道说,"专家表示, 氢还需要40年甚至更长时间才能对汽油消费或全球变暖产生任何有意义的影响, 我们不能再等那么久了。)

Also in 2008, Wired News reported that "e**erts say itwill be 40 years or more before hydrogen has any meaningful impacton gasoline consumption or global warming, and we can't afford towait that long.


Until then, costs are roughly one order of **gnitudehigher than DOE targets.

(然而, 在产量纳入规模经济和发达供应链之前,汽车燃料电池的实际成本仍将很高。)

The practical cost of fuel cells for cars will re**inhigh, however, until production volumes incorporate economies ofscale and a well-developed supply chain.

(对于需要频繁且相对快速启动的应用......需要零排放,或者可以连续提供燃料,主要是因为氧气还原反应的效率低下......对于与电网断开连接的操作,但它们不如电池有效,电化学学会期刊Inte***ce的JeremyP. Meyers教授写道:“虽然燃料电池相对于内燃机是有效的,能效更高。“)

For applications that require frequent and relativelyrapid start-ups ... where zero emissions are a requirement, as inenclosed spaces such as warehouses, and where hydrogen isconsidered an acceptable reactant, a [PEM fuel cell] is becoming anincreasingly attractive choice [if exchanging batteries isinconvenient].

(2008年,主要是因为全电动汽车的成本更低,是减少二氧化碳排放的更经济的选择,“投资全电动汽车,看看上海龙柏租车。即使假设在当地生产氢气,在加油站将氢气压缩至6250psi(43.1 MPa)的单步效率为94%。。)

In 2008, professor Jeremy P. Meyers, in theElectrochemical Society journal Inte***ce wrote, "While fuel cellsare efficient relative to combustion engines, they are not asefficient as batteries, due pri**rily to the inefficiency of theoxygen reduction reaction. ... [T]hey **ke the most sense foroperation disconnected from the grid, or when fuel can be providedcontinuously.



A 2016 study in the November issue of the journal Energyby scientists at Stanford University and the Technical Universityof Munich concluded that, even assuming local hydrogenproduction,"investing in all-electric battery vehicles is a moreeconomical choice for reducing carbon dioxide emissions, pri**rilydue to their lower cost and significantly higher energyefficiency."

(2010年,报告指出,阿贡国家实验室对氢燃料电池汽车进行了完整分析,比如从墙上的插座给日产聆风(NissanLeaf)或雪佛兰伏特(Chevy Volt)充电。对比一下三菱汽车。”。)

In 2010 a US DOE Well-to-Wheels publication assumed thatthe efficiency of the single step of compressing hydrogen to 6,250psi (43.1 MPa) at the refueling station is 94%.

This result has recently beenconfirmed.(该结果最近得到了证实。)


A 2010 Well-to-wheels ****ysis of hydrogen fuel cellvehicles report from Argonne National Laboratory states thatrenewable H2 pathways offer much larger greenhouse ga**enefits.


"'This means that onlya quarter of the initially available energy reaches the electricmotor' ... Such losses in conversion don't stack up well against,for instance, recharging an electric vehicle (EV) like the NissanLeaf or Chevy Volt from a wall socket".

(然后, 通过将氢转化为燃料电池内的电,吸收能量。)

Then, energy is taken up by converting the hydrogen backinto electricity within fuel cells.

(“理查德·吉尔伯特”是《运输**: 没有石油的流动人员和货运》 (2010年) 的合著者, 他同样评论说,生产氢气,以及在使用时损失的能量需要大量的能量。用燃料电池转换成有用电量,学习汽车黑科技。将能量载体转移给用户,通过压缩或液化包装轻质气体,生物质)中分离氢气,天然气,从天然化合物(水,“乌尔夫·博塞尔”表示,否则氢的产生会产生污染物。)

Richard Gilbert, co-author of Transport Revolutions:Moving People and Freight without Oil (2010), comments similarly,that producing hydrogen gas ends up using some of the energy itcreates.


In 2006, Ulf Bossel stated that the large **ount of energyrequired to isolate hydrogen from natural compounds (water, naturalgas, bio**ss), package the light gas by compression orliquefaction, transfer the energy carrier to the user, plus theenergy lost when it is converted to useful electricity with fuelcells, leaves around 25% for practical use.

(在2005年的一项 "Well-to-Wheels"分析中, 美国能源部估计, 使用天然气产生的氢的燃料电池电动汽车将导致内燃机车辆每英里二氧化碳排放量的55% 左右,减少约25%比混合动力汽车的排放。)

In a 2005 Well-to-Wheels ****ysis, the DOE esti**ted thatfuel cell electric vehicles using hydrogen produced from naturalgas would result in emissions of approxi**tely 55% of the CO2 permile of internal combustion engine vehicles and have approxi**tely25% less emissions than hybrid vehicles.


In contrast, a vehicle fueled with pure hydrogen emits fewpollutants, producing **inly water and heat, although theproduction of the hydrogen would create pollutants unless thehydrogen used in the fuel cell were produced using only renewableenergy.

(截至 2009年, 机动车使用了美国消费的大部分石油,产生了美国60% 以上的一氧化碳排放量和大约20% 的美国温室气体排放量,但汽油中使用的氢裂解氢的生产其工业用途中的生产主管约占车队温室气体排放量的10%。)

As of 2009, motor vehicles used most of the petroleumconsumed in the U.S. and produced over 60% of the carbon monoxideemissions and about 20% of greenhouse gas emissions in the UnitedStates, however production of hydrogen for hydro cracking used ingasoline production chief **ongst its industrial uses wasresponsible for approxi**tely 10% of fleet wide greenhouse gasemissions.


Usually a fuel cell car consumes 2.4 times more energythan a battery electric car, because electrolysis and storage ofhydrogen is much less efficient than using electricity to directlyload a battery.


However, they are not as efficient as battery electricvehicles which consume much less energy.


If this is the case fuel cell cars are cleaner and moreefficient than fossil fuel cars.


Fuel cell vehicles are only environmentally benign whenthe hydrogen was produced with renewable energy.


The environmental impact of fuel cell vehicles depends onthe pri**ry energy with which the hydrogen was produced.




In 2003 US President George Bush proposed the HydrogenFuel Initiative (HFI).


Codes andstandards(代码和标准)




The Hydra fuelcell boat.(Hydra燃料电池船。)



The Boeing Fuel Cell Demonstrator powered by a hydrogenfuel cell.

Y**aha FC-memotorcycle.(***燃料电池me摩托车。)


Motorcycles andbicycles(摩托车和自行车)


Mercedes-Benzfuel cell bus.(梅赛德斯-奔驰燃料电池公共汽车。)

The Whistler project was discontinued in2015.(惠斯勒项目于2015年停产。)


Fuel cells poweredby an ethanol reformer(燃料电池由乙醇重整器提供动力)

List of modelsproduced(生产的机型清单)


2015 ToyotaMirai


In 2017 Daimler phased out of its FCEV development, citingdeclining battery costs and increasing range of EVs, and most ofthe au***obile companies developing hydrogen cars had switchedtheir focus to battery electric vehicles.


The 2017 Clarity also has the highest combined and cityfuel economy ratings **ong all hydrogen fuel cell cars rated by theEPA, with a combined city/highway rating of 67 miles per gallongasoline equivalent (MPGe), and 68 MPGe in city driving.


The Clarity Fuel Cell, with range of 366 mi (589 km), hasthe highest EPA driving range rating of any zero-emissions vehiclein the U.S., including fuel cell and battery electricvehicles.


Retail deliveries of the 2017 Honda Clarity Fuel Cellbegan in California in December 2016.


The top selling **rkets were the U.S. with 2,900 units,Japan with 2,100 and Europe with 200.


As of December 2017, global sales totaled 5,300Mirais.


Former European Parli**ent President Pat Cox esti**tedthat Toyota initially would lose about $100,000 on each Miraisold.


Pricing started at ¥6,700,000 (~US$57,400) before taxesand a government incentive of ¥2,000,000 (~US$19,600).


Sales of the Toyota Mirai to government and corporatecus***ers began in Japan in December 2014.


The Hyundai ix35 FCEV Fuel Cell vehicle has been availablefor lease since 2014, when 54 units were leased.


Over 20 other FCEVs prototypes and demonstration cars werereleased in that time period, including the GM HydroGen4, andMercedes-Benz F-Cell.


From 2008 to 2014, Honda leased a total of 45 FCX units inthe US.

(**FCX Clarity概念车于2008年推出,首次展示了700巴(PSI)氢气罐,并准备了示范车辆。)

The Honda FCX Clarity concept car was introduced in 2008for leasing by cus***ers in Japan and Southern California anddiscontinued by 2015.



The most prevalent fuel cell vehicles are cars, buses,forklifts and **terial handling vehicles.

There are fuel cell vehicles for all modes oftransport.(有适用于所有运输方式的燃料电池车。)


1966 GMElectrovan(1966年美国通用电动汽车)


In 2001, the first 700 Bar ( PSI) hydrogen tanks weredemonstrated, reducing the size of the fuel tanks that could beused in vehicles and extending the range.


By the 1990s, au***obile **nufacturers were interested infuel cell applications, and demonstration vehicles wererea***d.

(然而,燃料电池堆主要受限于太空应用,protonexchange membrane——质子交换膜)

However, the closure of the Apollo Progr** sent **nyindustry e**erts to private companies.

(20世纪80年代,家汽车。protonexchange membrane——质子交换膜)

Fuel cell stacks were still limited principally to spaceapplications in the 1980s, including the Space Shuttle.


General Electric and others continued working on PEM fuelcells in the 1970s.


Only one was built, as the project was deemedcost-prohibitive.


There were only two seats, as the fuel cell stack andlarge tanks of hydrogen and oxygen took up the rear portion of thevan.


It had a PEM fuel cell, a range of 120 miles and a topspeed of 70 mph.


In 1966, General Motors developed the first fuel cell roadvehicle, the Chevrolet Electro van.


The electrical power systems in the Apollo capsules andlunar modules used alkali fuel cells.


Fuel cell development continued with the ApolloProgr**.


Project Gemini tested fuel cells to provide electricalpower during **nned space missions.


The Cold War Space Race drove further development of fuelcell technology.


The first modern fuel cell vehicle was a modifiedAllis-Chalmers farm tractor, fitted with a 15 kilowatt fuel cell,around 1959.


English engineer Francis Tho**s Bacon e**anded on Grove'swork, creating and demonstrating various Alkaline fuel cells from1939 to 1959.


Grove's e**eriments with what he called a "gas voltaicbattery" proved in 1842 that an electric current could be producedby an electrochemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen over aplatinum catalyst.


The concept of the fuel cell was first demonstrated byHumphry Davy in 1801, but the invention of the first working fuelcell is credited to Willi** Grove, a chemist, lawyer, andphysicist.



Different types of fuel cells include polymer electrolytemembrane (PEM) Fuel Cells, direct methanol fuel cells, phosphoricacid fuel cells, molten carbonate fuel cells, solid oxide fuelcells, reformed methanol fuel cell and Regenerative FuelCells.


Instead of requiring recharging, however, the fuel cellcan be refilled with hydrogen.


In principle, a hydrogen fuel cell functions like abattery, producing electricity, which can run an electricmotor.


All fuel cells are **de up of three parts: an electrolyte,an anode and a cathode.


Description andpurpose of fuel cells in vehicles


Critics doubt whether hydrogen will be efficient orcost-effective for au***obiles, as compared with other zeroemission technologies.


Some public hydrogen fueling stations exist, and newstations are being planned, in Japan, Europe andelsewhere.


As of 2017, there was limited hydrogen infrastructure,with 36 hydrogen fueling stations for au***obiles publiclyavailable in the U.S., but more hydrogen stations are planned,particularly in California.


Fuel cells are also being developed and tested in trucks,buses, boats, motorcycles and bicycles, **ong other kinds ofvehicles.


The first commercially produced hydrogen fuel cellau***obile, the Hyundai Tucson FCEV, was introduced in 2013, ToyotaMirai followed in 2015 and then Honda entered the**rket.


Fuel cells have been used in various kinds of vehiclesincluding forklifts, especially in indoor applications where theirclean emissions are important to air quality, and in spaceapplications.


Transporting and storing hydrogen **y also createpollutants.


As compared with internal combustion vehicles, hydrogenvehicles centralize pollutants at the site of the hydrogenproduction, where hydrogen is typically derived from reformednatural gas.


Most fuel cell vehicles are classified as zero-emissionsvehicles that emit only water and heat.


Fuel cells in vehicles generate electricity to power themotor, generally using oxygen from the air and compressedhydrogen.


A fuel cell vehicle (FCV) or fuel cell electric vehicle(FCEV) is a type of electric vehicle which uses a fuel cell,instead of a battery, or in combination with a battery or supercapacitor, to power its on-board electric motor.


Fuel cellvehicle(燃料电池车)



2017年,因现今较经济的氢气制造过程,为氢气的制造过程,“燃料电池车”的主要污染来源,只会排放水及热。你看top。与内燃机车相比,因“燃料电池”发电时,被视为“零污染车”,加上空气中的“氧气”发电。多数“燃料电池车”,多是以储存的高压“氢气”,但容量较“纯电动车”小。车上燃料电池,也是多数“燃料电池车”动力系统的一部分,“超级电容器”或“蓄电池”,因“燃料电池”发电特性,是电力主要来自车上“燃料电池”的电动车,或“燃料电池电动车”(Fuel CellElectric Vehicle、FCEV),****:


“燃料电池车”(Fuel CellVehicle、FCV),protonexchange membrane——质子交换膜)

资料来源,看着selling。protonexchange membrane——质子交换膜)



Transparent silicon tubing(透明硅管道)

Plastic plug pins for fuel cell(燃料电池用塑料插头)


Battery pack with connecting leads (requires 2 X AAbatteries)

2 x 2mm Connecting leads(2x 2毫米连接导线)

0.75 Watt solar cell(0.75瓦太阳能电池)

Inner Gas containers(内部气体容器)

Oxygen tank(氧气罐)

Hydrogen tank(氢气罐)

Reversible (PEM) fuel cell(可逆(PEM)燃料电池)(PEM,能够让学生获得目前正在全球推广的实际燃料电池汽车背后的原理知识。)

Chassis with LED light &**p; motor(带LED灯和电机的底盘)



This hydrogen is then converted into electrical energy topower the car.


A reversible PEM fuel cell first electrolyzes water toseparate oxygen and hydrogen molecules.


Horizon’s Fuel Cell Car Science Kit enables students todiscover the principles behind the real-scale fuel cell vehiclescurrently being rolled out across the world.


Price: $83.99(**:83.99美元)

Brands: Horizon.(品牌:地平线。)

Categories: Electrolyers, Kits.(分类:电解质,将氢转化为电力,由奥迪公司在2014年洛杉矶车展上发布。

SKU:FCJJ-11(StockKeeping Unit-库存量单位:FCJJ-11)


Fuel Cell CarScience Kit(燃料电池汽车知识套件)


A7 h-tron quattro尚未投入生产,由奥迪公司在2014年洛杉矶车展上发布。

该车辆使用一系列连接到燃料电池的氢气罐, 奥迪A7 h-tron quattro是一款概念氢/电动插电式混合动力汽车, 韩国现代公司FCEV(燃料电池电动汽车)分解展示

Generating electricity with hydrogen and oxygen(用氢气和氧气发电)
